Tänään vietetään Maailman kuulopäivää. WHO:n motto päivälle on ”älä anna kuulovamman rajoittaa sinua”. Fepeda muistuttaa lehdistötiedotteessaan, että on äärimmäisen tärkeää lisätä kansainvälistä yhteistyötä ja päättäjien vastuuta siitä, että kuuroja ja kuulovammaisia lapsia ja heidän perheitään tuetaan riittävän ajoissa oikealla tavalla.
Hearing for life: Don’t let hearing loss limit you
(Helsinki, 3.3.2020) The European Federation of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children (FEPEDA), the largest platform representing families of deaf people in the European Union, is endorsing the World Hearing Day campaign, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Under the motto chosen by the WHO, Hearing for Life: Don’t let hearing loss limit you, FEPEDA wants to remind that thousands of children are born with a hearing loss every year, in the European Union.
The current legislative framework in the European Union and all its Member States enshrines the fundamental rights of deaf and hard-of-hearing people and establishes the responsibility of the public authorities to guarantee their exercise. The EU and its 27 member states have signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
However, early detection of neonatal deafness is far from being a reality in all EU countries. Early intervention is not always adequate, timely and sufficient. Hearing aids (traditional hearing aids and/or hearing implants) are a major financial burden for many European families. Support resources of all kinds are lacking in many schools in Europe. There are not enough aids or support for families. And leisure, culture, recreational activities are often inaccessible to children and young people with deafness.
If we want an inclusive Europe, where no one is left behind, it is essential that EU institutions and national authorities invest in deaf and hard-of-hearing children and young people, ensuring the resources and support they and their families need at the right time, so that hearing loss don’t limit them.
Fepeda ja kansainvälinen toiminta KLVL:ssa